Having a park bag with the essentials not only saves money, but precious park time. While the contents vary, based on the ages in your party, some things are always going to be handy to have in there. These are our must have's, in no particular order! 1. Cash It happens more than you'd expect. Disney' payment system goes down on occasion and you can't buy something with your magic band or credit card. While you can always come back by later, of course, if it's an important purchase, like a snack for your hangry child, or a drink on a hot day, cash is important. I always keep $20 in my bag, just in case. Every trip, I've had to use it, and often more than once. 2. Advil/Tylenol Whether it's your tired feet, aching back or the migraine that's forming, a little pain reliever is important! While you can go visit the free first aid stations, sometimes you just don't feel like getting out of line to do that. 3. Poncho Summer afternoon showers are as predictable as the song getting stuck in your head after you exist It's a Small World. Be ready to protect your clothes and gear from getting soggy. 4. Disney Pins My boys and I loooove our Disney pins! These are always a must have for some on the go trading. If you aren't sure what these are, and wont to know how to get started with this inexpensive hobby, you can click here! 5. Hand Sanitizer / wipes Look around next time you go. Besides the hundreds of people each hour riding the same rides as you, ever seen all of the kids licking the handrails, and everyone coughing, sneezing, rubbing at their noses, and then touching stuff? the same stuff that those in your party are going to touch? Enough said! 6. Extra camera battery We had done two trips before I made the best investment of all. A second camera battery. No longer did it drain and leave me with no battery after I filmed Jedi Training, or a parade. It was so, so worth it to have a spare. 7. Portable battery pack for phone You might be snapping photos, pulling up Disney games, making fastpass changes or browsing menus on your phone and that eventually can wear down your battery. A portable charger might do the trick, and then can be recharged that night, ready for the next day. These are especially helpful if you were so tired the night before, you forgot to charge your phone. 8. Sunscreen Sunscreen is so important. Not only does it protect your skin from a burn and possibly cancer later, it helps you from being overheated. How? When you get a sunburn, you feel so much hotter! Later up, and reapply every few hours, so you aren't walking around looking like a lobster and feeling the burn. Save that for the gym! 9. Ziploc bag Wet rides or rain, your phone risks getting soaked! A quick tip is a ziploc bag. We've a bunch of other great ideas to use one of those, click here to see why it's our favorite thing to pack. 10. Snacks We bring snacks along not just to save money, but to always have one at the ready for a hungry child. In line, on a bench, waiting a really long time to get our lunch, it doesn't matter. Having a snack on hand is always important. One of our children also has a food allergy, so it's even more important that he has a few safe options to choose from if we can't find him something fairly quickly. As a bonus, here are our suggestions for snacks to bring in, that they already sell (for a lot more money!) What do you think of our list? What's a must have in your park bag?
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